Hunger Free Vermont Board

Hunger Free Vermont Board

Betsy Dickey, Ready for Reading

Betsy Dickey, Ready for Reading

Global Reach

A guiding principle of my life since growing up in West Africa has been to create goodwill through both passion and purpose.

Giving back has always been a part of my life and is made more purposeful when those efforts help create community and raise awareness.

Global Reach is a non profit platform whose initial mission will be to give back to local, national, and international organizations including The Artist Book FoundationHunger Free VermontManchester Riverwalk and Ready for Reading in Rwanda.

Lisa Helmholz-Adams

Feast of Venus / Hunger Free Vermont

Hunger Free Vermont is a statewide nonprofit organization that works with state agencies and community groups to develop sustainable hunger solutions. Since 1993 Hunger Free Vermont’s outreach programs and advocacy have substantially enhanced Vermont’s nutrition safety net and increased access to nutritious foods. To learn more about Hunger Free Vermont, visit, and to learn more about the Universal School Meals Campaign, visit

Feast of Venus I

Feast of Venus I

Feast of Venus II

Feast of Venus II

The Hunger Free Vermont Crew at Feast of Venus III

The Hunger Free Vermont Crew at Feast of Venus III

Anore Horton & Lisa Helmholz Adams at the Feast of Venus III

Anore Horton & Lisa Helmholz Adams at the Feast of Venus III

Gail Morin & Sherrie Baker, great chefs who put together the incredible Feast Of Venus Celebrations and menu for Hunger Free Vermont! 

Gail Morin & Sherrie Baker, great chefs who put together the incredible Feast Of Venus Celebrations and menu for Hunger Free Vermont! 

Feast of Venus I Team

Feast of Venus I Team

Feast of Venus I with 100 women at Helmholz Fine Art

Feast of Venus I with 100 women at Helmholz Fine Art

Feast of Venus II

Feast of Venus II

Tara Pollio creating gardens in the air at Feast of Venus III

Tara Pollio creating gardens in the air at Feast of Venus III

Tara Pollio & Amy Chamberlain in front of The Feast of Venus

Tara Pollio & Amy Chamberlain in front of The Feast of Venus

ITV Fest

ITV Fest party in the gallery

ITV Fest party in the gallery

ITV Fest party in the gallery

ITV Fest party in the gallery

High school volunteers help with cleanup!

High school volunteers help with cleanup!

Manchester Riverwalk

Riverwalk Members

Riverwalk Members

Riverwalk Party

Riverwalk Party

Fall Celebration at the Riverwalk

Fall Celebration at the Riverwalk

Fall Celebration at the Riverwalk

Fall Celebration at the Riverwalk

Riverwalk Community Meeting

Riverwalk Community Meeting

Riverwalk Community Meeting

Riverwalk Community Meeting

Riverwalk Community Meeting

Riverwalk Community Meeting

Fall Celebration at the Riverwalk

Fall Celebration at the Riverwalk

Taconic Music

Performance in the gallery

Performance in the gallery